Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / History
Format - Hardcover
Condition - Fair
Listed - 15 days ago
Ships From - New York
Est. Publication Date - Mar 1985
Seller Description
The New Meaning of Treason (1964) is a revision and expansion of her earlier work The Meaning of Treason (1949). It explores the evolving nature of treason in the mid-20th century, particularly in the context of Cold War espionage and ideological betrayals. Initially focused on British traitors like William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) who collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, the updated version extends its analysis to Soviet spies such as Kim Philby and the Cambridge Five. West examines how modern treason differs from traditional notions, emphasizing the role of ideology, espionage, and shifting loyalties in a rapidly changing world. Her work blends journalism, biography, and political analysis, offering a sharp critique of those who betray their nations for totalitarian causes. Light wear on the sleeve cover and slight yellow of the pages.
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