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Bang!" Being shot in the middle of the night and left for dead is what it took to open her eyes. Until that fateful moment, Regina Harris lived "la vida loca" with pimps and hustlers, a gangster lifestyle that supplied the money she needed to get high and forget the poverty of Harlem. Now she has turned her life around, is a college graduate and freelance journalist, and makes enough money to live on the Upper West Side and hob- nob with the city's movers and shakers. She's become the classy Satin Doll of the Duke Ellington song. But she can't forget where she came from: her three best friends are from the old neighborhood. The Harlem homegirls. Regina tries to give emotional support to each of her friends as they deal with their own personal issues: Yvonne is a single mother looking for the right man. Tamika must raise two children alone while their father does time in jail for robbery. Puddin' lives her life by picking up men and smoking weed.
Desperate to escape the hardships of her past, Harlem native Regina Harris rebuilds her life, but her growing relationship with Charles Whitfield, an attorney from a prominent black Philadelphia famil...
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