Product Details
Category - Fiction / Action & Adventure
Format - Paperback
Condition - Excellent
Listed - A month ago
Views - 2
Wishes - 1
Ships From - California
Est. Publication Date - Mar 2012
Seller Description
New series in the super popular Pok mon franchise Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for all ages. Meet Pok mon Trainers Black and White His entire life, Black has dreamed of winning the Pok mon League Now he embarks on a journey to explore the Unova region and fill a Pok dex for Professor Juniper. White has an exciting career as the Trainer of a talented troupe of performing Pok mon. She dreams of making her Tepig Gigi a star Together, Black and White continue on their journey... What surprising new Pok mon--and people--will they meet next?
Pokémon Black and White, Vol. 6
ISBN: 9781421542812
Publisher Description
New series in the super popular Pokémon franchise! Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for all ages. Meet Pokémon Trainers Black and White! His entire life, Black has dreamed of winning the Pokémon League...
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