Nancy Silverton's Breads from the la Brea Bakery by Nancy Silverton, Hardcover | Pangobooks

Product Details

Category - Non Fiction / Cooking

Format - Hardcover

Condition - Excellent

Listed - A year ago

Views - 12

Wishes - 1

Ships From - New York

Est. Publication Date - Mar 1996


Nancy Silverton's Breads from the la Brea Bakery: Recipes for the Connoisseur: a Cookbook

Publisher Description

Describes how to make and maintain sourdough starter and shares recipes for a wide variety of breads made from this base

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Nancy Silverton's Breads from the la Brea Bakery



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Nancy Silverton's Breads from the la Brea Bakery

Nancy Silverton's Breads from the la Brea Bakery

By: Nancy Silverton

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