Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Religion
Format - Hardcover
Condition - Fair
Listed - 8 months ago
Views - 1
Wishes - 1
Ships From - Texas
Est. Publication Date - May 1997
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the Prime Minister. "An Israeli mathematician has discovered a hidden code in the Bible that appears to reveal the details of events that took place thousands of years after the Bible was written," my letter to Rabin stated. "The reason I'm telling you about this is that the only time your full name-Yitzhak Rabin-is encoded in the Bible, the words 'assassin that will assassinate' cross your name." On November 4, 1995, came the awful confirmation, a shot in the back from a man who believed he was on a mission from God, the murder that was encoded in the Bible three thousand years ago. —FROM THE BIBLE CODE
The Bible Code
ISBN: 9780684810799
Publisher Description
Explains a hidden mathematical code embedded in the Old Testament that predicts world-changing events that took place long after the Bible was written, including the French Revolution, the 1969 moon l...
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