Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Business & Economics
Format - Hardcover
Condition - New
Listed - A year ago
Views - 12
Ships From - New Jersey
Est. Publication Date - Dec 2011
Seller Description
Wage and Hour Laws : A State-by-state survey Second Edition (Vol.1 & 2) ABA Section Of Labor & Employment Law -An in-depth survey of the wage and hour laws specific to each state. Unlike other books covering this area of the law, BNA Books Wage and Hour Laws: A State-by-State Survey, Second Edition goes beyond recitation of each state's statutory law and provides detailed analyses of state regulations, wage orders, and court cases interpreting and applying the laws. Condition (New) Both Volumes Unused in Wrappers Leather bound hardcovers Editor-in-Chief Gregory K. McGillivary (Woodley & McGillivary LLP, ISBN 13: 9781570189449 Publisher: BNA Books, A Division of Bureau of National Affairs, 2011
Wage and Hour Laws Volume 1 & 2: A State-By-State Survey
ISBN: 9781570189449
Publisher Description
"Federal Labor Standards Legislation Committee, Section of Labor and Employment Law, American Bar Association."
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