Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Art
Format - Paperback
Condition - New
Listed - 3 years ago
Views - 11
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Ships From - Maine
Est. Publication Date - Jan 2003
Seller Description
Human animals―such as#centaurs, satyrs, sphinxes, sirens, and gorgons―as well as other composite creatures like Pan, Triton, and the Minotaur are extremely common in Greek myth, literature, theater, and the visual arts. Understanding the phenomenon of combining human and animal elements into composite creatures is central to our knowledge of the Greek imagination. This landmark book is the first to investigate representations of these human animals in early Greek art (ca. 850–450 B.C.). The Centaur’s Smile discusses the oriental antecedents of these fantastic creatures, examining the influence of Egyptian and Near Eastern models on the formation of Greek monsters in the early Archaic period. Essays also explore the nature and origin of horse-men (centaurs and satyrs) and the ways in which they are represented in early Greek art. Furthermore, the book surveys the broader range of Greek composite creatures and discusses their evolving forms and changing roles and meaning. Over one hundred exquisite objects―all beautifully reproduced in color―are described and analyzed in detail. Among the featured works are reliefs and statuettes in stone, bronze, and terracotta; jewelry and metalwork in gold, silver, and electrum; engraved sealstones in rock crystal, jasper, and cornelian; and painted ceramic vases from Athens, Corinth, Rhodes, Miletus, Cyprus, and Etruria. From the Publisher This book is the catalogue for an exhibition at the Princeton University Art Museum (October 11, 2003 to January 18, 2004) and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (February 22 to May 16, 2004). Distributed for the#I b but Princeton University Art Museum About the Author J. Michael Padgett is curator of Ancient art at the Princeton University Art Museum; William A. P. Childs is professor of art and#archaeology at Princeton University; Despoina Tsiafakis is assistant professor at the Cultural and Educational Technology Institute, Xanthi,#Greece#paperback#paperback
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