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Subject: Antisemitism-Holocaust; Biographies; German History Author: Adolf Hitler Title: My Struggle Original Title: Mein Kampf Translation: Spanish version by C. E. Araluce Index: Introduction, p. VII-X. Biographical data of Adolf Hitler, p. XI-XV. Dedication, p. XVII. Author's prologue, p. XIX. Part One. Ch. I. In the parental home, p. 3-8. Ch. II. My life experiences in Vienna, p. 8-25. Ch. III. Political reflections of the time of my stay in Vienna, p. 26-47. Ch. IV. Munich, p. 47-57. Ch. V. The world war, p. 58-63. Ch. VI. War propaganda, p. 64-67. Ch. VII. The revolution, p. 67-74. Ch. VIII. The initiation of … [more…] Edition: 1st Ed. Place of Edition: Mexico (Mexico) Publisher: Editora Latino Americana S.A. Year: 1963 Physical Description: 248 p. 1 h. Measurements: 22x14 Binding: Editorial hardcover Notes: Mein Kampf (in German: Mein Kampf), is the first book written by Adolf Hitler, combining autobiographical elements with an exposition of his own ideas and a manifesto of the political ideology of National Socialism. The work exposes the process by which Hitler became an antisemite and describes his future plans for Germany. The first volume was published on July 18, 1925, and the second in 1926. The book was edited first by Emil Maurice and then by Rudolf Hess. Adolf Hitler (Braunau am Inn, 4/20/1889 - Berlin, 4/30/1945), Austrian politician, soldier, and dictator naturalized German. Imperial Chancellor since 1933 and Führer -leader- of Germany from 1934 until his death in 1945, he brought the National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nazi Party to power, establishing a totalitarian regime during the period known as the Third Reich or Nazi Germany. He initiated World War II by invading Poland on September 1, 1939, and was a key figure in the perpetration of the Holocaust. Resumen de la información: Este documento describe una edición en español de "Mi Lucha" de Adolf Hitler, publicada en México en 1963. El libro es una combinación de autobiografía y manifiesto político, donde Hitler expone sus ideas antisemitas y sus planes para Alemania. Se incluye información sobre el autor, el contenido del libro y el contexto histórico de su publicación. Puntos clave: "Mi Lucha" es un libro fundamental para entender la ideología nazi. Esta edición fue publicada en México en 1963. El libro contiene elementos autobiográficos y políticos. Adolf Hitler fue el líder de la Alemania nazi y una figura central en el Holocausto.