Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Religion
Format - Hardcover
Condition - Fair
Listed - 8 months ago
Views - 4
Ships From - Texas
Est. Publication Date - Jun 1996
Seller Description
Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-control. These are God's values, God's virtues. hey are, of course, the nine powerful uits of the Spirit" listed in the Bible. like the mere "family values" platitudes it are endlessly trumpeted these days, se unforgettable and life-changing ues are firmly grounded in God's uring Word. Practicing them produces ly character. o's Treasury of Virtues will help you e your family in your quest for godly acter. This invaluable sourcebook is ed with a splendid variety of material /ividly defines and illustrates each f the key virtues. You'll find:
God's Treasury of Virtues: An Inspirational Collection of Stories, Quotes, Hymns, Scriptures and Poems
ISBN: 9781562921538
Publisher Description
Presents stories, quotations, poems, and hymns illustrating the nine key godly virtues, drawn from a variety of Christian sources including notable preachers and early church fathers
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