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Wendy’s Corner


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I am a retired, disabled veteran. I am an avid reader and crafter who loves to read romance, dystopian, fantasy, ya, sci-fi and anything else that catches my interest. I have a wide range of books from current to antique; fiction and non-fiction; decades worth of books and am running out of space, so use the search function to help you find your favorites. Why you should purchase from me: 🚭 Smoke free and no pets ♻️ Recycle using boxes and wrapping material from various vendors if available ❤️ Carefully packed to ensure your book(s) arrive in same condition ⚖️ Actual weights so bundling is at the lowest shipping weight 🥰 Please leave a review and message me if you have any questions Hundreds of books recently added and reduced prices on many previously listed books. Search for your favorite genre/author. Happy reading! Wendy 📖

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