BiblioMelyn (she, her)


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Favorite book as a child (I'm told) started "Fuzzy Puppy had no home. He had no one to love and take care of him." If you know what book that is, please let me know. Also: Blueberries for Sal, and One Day in Maine (McCloskey). Read on a camping trip as a kid and loved: The Once and Future King (White.) Favorites as an adult include: Shoeless Joe (Kinsella); A Town Like Alice (and anything else by Nevil Shute); Prodigal Summer (Kingsolver); The Sunne in Splendour (Penman); and The Earthsea Trilogy (LeGuin). Favorite recorded books (great for long drives!): Pastoral (Shute), Turtle Moon (Hoffman), and Wee Free Men (Pratchett). Favorites for preschool story times: Owl Babies (Waddell) and others by the same author. 😊

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