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Ruby James Books


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My name is James and my daughter’s name is Ruby. We both have a love for books! Selling books has replaced my third job and hopefully one day my second. Trying to be home with her more of the time. I have a pet free and smoke free home. I also wrap every book in plastic wrap and try to protect the corners with padding. I try my best to find imperfections and put it in my pictures or description. If I’m unsure about the weight of a book I weigh it. Most of the time on Pango they list weights a lot heavier than they are. So with my store you might save more over other sellers with postage! I almost always ship same or next day. Always adding new books to my store. Also remember to put books in your cart. If you do sellers can send direct offers of at least 10% off! Thank you so much, have a great one!

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