Harris Books Shelves | Pango Books

Shelves by Harris Books

Harris Books's curated list of bookshelves to organize all their favorite books

Harris Books


Who Killed These Girls?


1 book

Hellboy Volume 8: Darkness Calls
B. P. R. D. Volume 8: Killing Ground
B. P. R. D.


26 books

NTC's Beginner's French and English Dictionary
French, Italian and German Phrase Book
The Rough Guide to French


21 books

The Tell-Tale Heart
World War Z
World War Z (Movie Tie-In Edition)

Wishlist 4 Me

83 books

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 6
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 5

Wishlist 4 My Kids

9 books