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A Pastor or church leader being led away in handcuffs blazes across the screen. National and local newscasters gleefully point out the hypocrisy of yet another fallen Christian. Often a taboo subject, fraud runs rampant in the Body of Christ. This must change, and this book can and will help! Confessions of a Church Felon is a must read for every church leader. Written by the authors of Pastoral Helmsmanship; A Pastor's Guide to Church Administration, this book will help stem the tidal wave of destruction caused by fraud. Clear, concise, and practical, Confessions will guide the reader through all the steps needed to eliminate fraud. In addition, the book will show you how to walk through the difficulties of dealing with fraud if discovered. The Church must raise the standard of financial integrity, and Confessions will show you how!
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A Pastor or church leader being led away in handcuffs blazes across the screen. National and local newscasters gleefully point out the hypocrisy of yet another fallen Christian. Often a taboo subject,...
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