This book shows and tells how different kinds of young animals survive the dangers of early life to grow or change into adults.
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Growing up is a new series that shows and tells how young animals survived the dangers of early life to grow or change into adults. Dramatic artwork focuses on a special moment or soon after birth, while smaller drawings illustrate vital stages of the birth, growing up, or the change from one form to another. Both artist and authors share with young readers their love and respect for animals and they’re never ending amazement at the variety of animals behavior. In strange beginnings, they have selected a diversity of creatures that start life very differently from human babies. These range from the Wood duck, whose first act in life is to jump down from a tree before it can fly to the emperor, penguin chick, which huddles together with other chicks in a group while its parents go off to find food, to the dragonfly, which spend it early hears as a beetle like nymph in a pond.