by: Frank J. Romano
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288 pages Item Weight : 1.5 pounds Dimensions : 7 x 1 x 9.25 inches This practical guide helps you learn how to use Adobe's portable document format (PDF) to create cross-platform files for easy transmitting, viewing, and printing. PDF files retain all of your formatting, even your fonts and graphics, and can be shared electronically in any number of ways--via disk, intranets, e-mail, CD-ROM, and the Web. Must reading for every design, publishing, and print professional The only complete, real-world guide to PDF and digital workflow! PDF and related digital technologies are transforming graphics arts workflow-and with every new job, it seems, come new surprises. Now there's a comprehensive guide to the realities of digital workflow with PDF, by the industry's leading expert and author-Frank Romano. In PDF Printing and Workflow, you'll walk through all you need to know to integrate PDF into digital processes that actually achieve their goals. From preflighting to color management, trapping to RIPping, it's all here-the best practices, pitfalls, workarounds, and compromises that would otherwise take you years to learn. Build reliable networks for digital workflow automation-and prevent bottlenecks Get expert advice on creating, viewing, and editing PDF files Learn advanced trapping approaches, including In-RIP Trapping Make the most of Acrobat Exchange, PDFWriter, and Acrobat Catalog Learn more about Crackerjack, Tailor, Checkup, PitStop, and other key PDF plug-ins