by: Angela Thomas
Stronger: Finding Hope in Fragile Places - Bible Study Book by Angela Thomas-Pharr provides six weeks of personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the 7 video sessions of this ...
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Stronger: Finding Hope in Fragile Places - Member Book by Angela Thomas provides six weeks of personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the 7 video sessions of this women's Bible study. Through biblical teaching and real life application, this study teaches that believers do not have to live in weakness. God is stronger than every struggle you will ever face. All who receive Jesus Christ have been hidden in Him. We have been made alive in Him through the forgiveness of our sin, filled in Him with all the fullness given to Him, brought near to God in Him, and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Him. As we have received Christ Jesus, we are now called to walk in a manner worthy of Him. Strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in so great an inheritance. Today, because of Christ, you can live stronger. This study will guide women into biblical truth through exposition and story, so they live confident, transformed, Christ-radiating lives marked by His strength. Through accurate Biblical teaching, real life observation, and everyday application, Stronger will guide participants to: •Stop facing today in weakness and be strengthened by God's promises to every Christ follower •Tackle everyday struggles empowered with a biblical understanding of God's riches and His love •Overcome spiritual immaturity through Christ-centered teaching that produces growth and change •Break life-long patterns of defeat and despair, refocused on the glorious hope promised to us in Christ •Remove paralyzing inner anxiousness and truly live in the peace that surpasses all understanding •Put an end to the self-focused distractions of striving, comparison, and performance so that your life will accomplish more for God's glory •Smile at the uncertain future, not because we are stronger, but because Christ in us, is stronger than all our problems.
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